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Tom Bridge

Good day all. Made a new former for some bending today, took a fair while to make just the former (for bending the heated/steamed round) and ultimately ended in a bending fail... I'll try later again with some thinner timber. Its all a learning process and I am learning with every try, just not at the optimum speed! The pic below shows the cracking. I'm not sure my steamer is getting the timber hot enough so the wood fibres are not pliable enough to bend and compress over the former.

So here's my efforts in a timelapse, at least 3 hours in total but I have a former that I'm sure will work with thinner or hotter timber!

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Tom Bridge


In my first blog post I've put this video to illustrate the process of making one of my shades. This particular clip is me making a new item, a set of matching wall lights. It is fiddly work, all the gluing up of the 'fingers' and the correct spacing. I need to wipe away all excess glue as the dried glue is actually stronger (and harder) that the actual wood. It is a constant process of gluing and waiting to dry and then gluing again and they all the sanding.... and in this case making sure I dont damage one shade as they need to be a 'pair', if not I'll have to start again! Anyway I digress, do enjoy the movie, its only a bout 5 mins long.. I love timelapse so I'll be posting more here.

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